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Reports for 888-264-6961

UNSAFE about 1 year ago

My experience has been similar to all of the comments left here. A guy named “Freddy” from “Owner Services” asks that I call him back at this number 888/264–6961 to discuss my “maintenance fees”. He does attempt to sound very friendly, casual and I feel like he’s trying to give the impression that we’ve spoken before but we have not. That being said, I will not be calling him back and I’m really glad that I researched the phn # and read everyone’s comments first ** Important Additional Note: I live in Los Angeles, and I wanted to point out that when the call comes in, it actually shows up as a number, registered in Roseville, CA, and that phone # is (916) 839-3285. It does not come in as the 888 number that he asked me to call him back at.

UNSAFE about 1 year ago

My experience has been similar to all of the comments left here. A guy named “Freddy” from “Owner Services” asks that I call him back at this number 888/264–6961 to discuss my “maintenance fees”. He does attempt to sound very friendly, casual and I feel like he’s trying to give the impression that we’ve spoken before but we have not. That being said, I will not be calling him back and I’m really glad that I researched the phn # and read everyone’s comments first

UNSAFE about 1 year ago

"Freddie" wanting to talk to me about "maintenance fees". Has called the last 3 days and I have not answered. Leaves same information on answering machine.

UNSAFE about 1 year ago

Scam alert. Recording that is constructed to sound like it's just some nice guy leaving a message that he wants to discuss my maintenance fees. Call is from local number asking me to call 888-264-6961. It never identifies the company so you might call thinking it's from any service that you have some sort of maintenance fees.

UNSAFE about 1 year ago

Scam alert. Recording that is constructed to sound like it's just some nice guy leaving a message that he wants to discuss my maintenance fees. Call is from local number asking me to call 888-264-6961. It never identifies the company so you might call thinking it's from any service that you have some sort of maintenance fees.

UNSAFE about 1 year ago

Scam alert. Recording that is constructed to sound like it's just some nice guy leaving a message that he wants to discuss my maintenance fees. Call is from local number asking me to call 888-264-6961. It never identifies the company so you might call thinking it's from any service that you have some sort of maintenance fees.

NEUTRAL over 1 year ago

Called number-Want to invite me to Time Share (thing)?? Told her have never had a Time Share and asked to have my name removed. She said would remove me from their records. Was getting 3-4 calls day and night to call this number.

UNSAFE over 1 year ago

A person left a message for me to call 888-264-6961 to discuss my "maintenance fees." Yet another scammer. Our government cannot even prevent scammers from harassing us.

NEUTRAL over 1 year ago

Have gotten 3 to 4 calls per day from numerous numbers to call 1 888 264-6961 regarding maintenance fees. I’ve never had maintenance fees.

Owner Information for 888-264-6961




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Information for 888-264-6961

888-264-6961 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 7 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 2 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 03/18/2023

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Complaints for 888-264-6961

Complaints for 888-264-6961 (0 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.